Insomnia What is it? Insomnia is any sleeping problem that makes you feel that your time spent sleeping is inadequate or unrefreshing. It includes the following: difficulty falling asleep, waking up too early, waking up intermittently in the middle of the night or having a normal sleep pattern that doesn’t leave you feeling rested. Insomnia is classified as transient if it lasts from one night to three to four weeks, but it becomes chronic when it persists almost nightly for at least one month. Transient insomnia that returns periodically over months or years, is classified as intermittent. Insomnia may be related to a medical or psychiatric illness, or it may be a result of lifestyle factors. Lifestyle factors are particularly important as causes of transient or intermittent insomnia and may include: · stress or anxiety · a change in sleeping environment (being a guest at a ...